Friday June 24th 5.30 free entry
THE 80s ARE BACK! (... and they promise not to do it again.)
THE WHORES OF WAX: Richard Langston and Yours Truly will man a deck each in order to dilute each other's taste and allow more time for beers. Both of us have considerable 80s form involving Flying Nun and SST, although we're not quite sure how this will manifest on the night. Remember, they were still making country music back then.
SIMON SWEETMAN: Simon sparked this whole 80s revisionist thing off, being lately obsessed with the decade and all its egregious sins. He'll be dipping into a well-spring of arcana both weird and wonderful, certainly enough to make you look at your old copy of "Seven and the Ragged Tiger" and wonder why the hell you didn't buy Mission of Burma instead.
Festivities commence at 5.30pm and it'll all be solid gold. Be prompt like your mother told you.