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Live Music every night Tuesday through Sunday. Local, National, and International. Comfy sofas, atmospheric lighting and delicious drinks. In the basement, 118 Tory St

Delete Delete Delete and The Dickens

Wednesday 23rd March 8 pm Free Entry

Delete Delete Delete
- a recently formed Wellington based 3 piece noise pop band, playing strictly original music. They've played at The Mighty Mighty with Diana Rozz and Double Ya D, and at The Southern Cross. Their collective musical experience runs the full gamut from double Platinum record sales and tours to Australia and Singapore, to playing at the High School formal: life's rich pageant etc. They are currently recording our self produced debut album at The Surgery with Lee Prebble engineering.

The Dickens - have had their first birthday in December 2010. They are currently a five piece featuring a number of songwriters collaborating to play original music. The Dickens have played at Happy on two previous occasions as a part of the MASC setup and have also performed at San Francisco Bathouse and the Garden Club. The group features members of former Wellington festival favourites 'Verona', as well as former members of stalwart indie-rockers 'Moonlight Flit', 'Chopper' and 'Henderwood'.

see some footage of 'The Dickens' last gig at Happy